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Chulita Hill Farm and
Thank you for joining our Chulita Hill Farm Newsletter. We have lots of new and exciting things happening at the farm. Everyone is on call for the arrival of our new babies! Our Pinto Bean and Sheena are due any day. It’s a stressful time waiting day and night, but the wonder of new life is worth it. The addition of our new barn cameras help a lot with our sleep since we don’t have to make barn trips in the middle of the night.
Everyone is working hard getting ready for our first Farm to Table event on March 18th. This is something we have dreamed of doing for a long time. Spaces are already filling up and we are excited to reveal our menu! The new shade sails for our deck arrived today, and we are excited to see the deck with this new addition.
Spring is arriving and as the trees are starting to bud our chickens and ducks are laying eggs full throttle. We are overflowing with eggs and will have them available for pick up at the farm starting next week. Our turkeys are anxiously awaiting their new space and plans for the duck pond are already under way.
Our new cheese facility is getting closer to completion every day. We are making space for our cheese caves and will soon be opening up our farm store. We have designed the facility with school children and tourists in mind, featuring lots of windows so everyone can see the cheese making process from start to finish.
We have already started our spring planting, and seedlings for our summer crops are peeking their heads through the soil. We have many rare and heirloom varieties of tomatoes, chilies, melons and squash ready to go in the ground. This year we are excited to add peanuts to our garden.
This is our busiest time of year, and here at the farm everyone is feeling the renewal that springtime brings. Happy Mardi Gras and thank you for showing interest in our little farm. And remember, if you are interested in our Farm to Table Event, please visit our website at chulitahillfarm.com or call us at 936-645-4400.
Click Here to Sign Up for Our Farm to TableDining Experience